
Archive for May, 2010

Here on the last day of May I have been reviewing my word count and find that I have crossed over the 400,000 limit this last week. Since the last update I had entered all the changes of the second draft of Caution’s Heir so that is now finished completely and ready to be shopped around. I have composed a query letter and now must just find agents and editors to send this too.

Taking up the reins of the next project I struggled with an outline for another regency for several days and so revisited the manuscript of Terra’s Birthright. While the story and plot for that was decent, as I reread my earlier work nearly twenty years old, I find I am much better at the craft now than I was then. I have added to it, nearly 150 pages and this is one of the two projects I am working on concurrently to finish. I also have over forty pages of the manuscript now for the next regency, Two Peas in a Pod, the story of twins who are so close in appearance that they often switch roles with one another. I think that my regencies get better with each telling.

The Gratitude Log

1) Painter X–PastedGraphic6.WW7qOV829S32.jpgI have been playing with more and more and making pictures such as MomnDad-03-Flowerfinal.6cWhHeuOKNY8.jpg this.
2) We Rule–Screenshot2010-05-31at5.15.19PM.9OtGk0U1gONO.jpg a game for the iPhone and iPad in which I spend time every day growing my kingdom.
3) Cafe World–PastedGraphic.ACuYsMLDqzUM.jpg-another game. This one at Facebook. A great time waster also.
4) iPhone–PastedGraphic1.9pDPhYckO8O6.jpgWhich makes possible phone calls, music, games and so much more.
5) Exercise–I have been riding the stationary bike again this last week and that is a good feeling.

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Here we are and happy to report another sale for The End of the World

The End of the World and Regency Assembly Press

We are at 78 sales. We have one review from our readers. Click on the picture to order a copy at Amazon or go here. As those who are following know, The Shattered Mirror is now being edited. We have three editors and myself working on it.

The Shattered Mirror, Regency 2 for Regency Assembly Press is being edited by the production edit crew, Deedira, Nora and Corinne. ShatteredMirror.UvVgVgdBPyhc.jpg

Then I have been writing the next book for RAP, or Regency Assembly Press, which is Beggars Can’t be Choosier. I haven’t worked on the cover yet, but I finished it on Satruday, the 8th and we have 102,517 words. Now for the year we are at 1160 pages, or 348K words. I think for Beggars this dbucplry.P9WRctvZuWqv.jpgpicture might be our centerpiece.

Now it is time to choose another and to type in the editing of Cautions Heir. Cautions starts at 123K and it will go the route of traditional submittal at this time. Along with the Space Mine story. (That could use a better title)

The Gratitude Log

  1. Arby’s–PastedGraphic3.OGw8fW8HmwR3.jpgThey have taken the Super off the menu board, but it is still in the computer 1__%23%24%21%40%25%21%23__PastedGraphic.ryFZRWxrbOM1.jpg. It has Lettuce and tomato so it makes the entire thing a sandwich.

2)        Horsey Sauce–Well while at Arby’s you have to appreciate this.PastedGraphic2.TVzdZHMYevcd.jpg
3)        McBooks Press–I am reading a review of one of the books they publish. I won’t talk yet about that, since I have read 2/3rds and not finished the book, but the publishing company has done wonders to give Wooden Ships and Iron Men literature. Thanks for them.PastedGraphic4.whZzq1twV90W.jpg
4)        Castle–A writer friend was talking today about how she liked the show, and it was the only one she watched. I watch a lot of shows, because as a writer, other writers can give me ideas, and this is a show about a writer, though one does help Nathan Fillion is as smart as the writer he is portraying.PastedGraphic5.OQWgtGABTCJR.jpg

5)        Painter X–PastedGraphic6.PoUr33KYPl0A.jpgI had the first edition of this software in the painting can, years ago, right when I got out of the macintosh and had to give the software away. But then 15 years later I got a mac again and they have gone to version 10 (11 now) so I was able to get it again. It is the best painting and picture from photo making software, ever.

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The End of the World and Regency Assembly Press

We are at 77 sales. We have one review from our readers. Click on the picture to order a copy at Amazon or go here. As those who are following know, The Shattered Mirror is now being edited. We have three editors and myself working on it.

This leaves the current work in progress, Beggars Can’t Be Choosier. A story of romance that follows a marriage.

Total for the month of April writing is over 144,000 words. Beggars is now over 71K words and will be finished this week. Almost 240 pages of first draft manuscript now in just two weeks.

The month finished strong and I hope to continuing at this pace for it puts at a 3000 page commitment and even 4000 pages.

Gratitude Log for the day:

  1. Mimi’s Cafe–This restaurant always is good and it is one of Cheryl and my favorites.Screenshot2010-05-04at12.02.02PM.UNHfefQl9j4D.jpg
  2. Rite Aid-Thrifty’s–This drug store chain had ice cream in a very unique scoop. Went back recently and had a scoop of Chocolate Chip and it was great. 1__%23%24%21%40%25%21%23__PastedGraphic.oRb5Jqs4cxwG.jpg
  3. Tivo–The ability to copy what is on TV when you can’t get to the TV is worthwhile.
  4. Firefox–As internet browsers go, sometimes it is a little wierd, and slow but that you can do things to it, like custom the border of itScreenshot2010-05-04at12.05.22PM.42yHoq99cfI1.jpg like this, is great. I have made a Regency Assembly Press persona for all to use.
  5. iPads–I don’t have one yet, but I sure want one.PastedGraphic1.obGpqlEQ8JOd.jpg

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