
Archive for June, 2010

It has been about two weeks since the last update. In that time Terra’s Birthright, first draft, has been completed. As I started this book 20 years ago, almost, I have become much better at my craft. The mistakes or poor writing that the initial chapters contain masks the story that is within. So this is definitely a first draft in need of editing. A great deal of editing. While writing that and finishing it over 114K, I am also 50K into Two Peas in a Pod and think that this shall be wrapped up next week.

The weekend before last I was with several people who are reading The End of the World PastedGraphic.dmIcNzGgxZvl.jpg and asked for autographed copies. Which I was happy to do. Total sales are now 80. I have struggled and succeeded in loading this to the iBookstore for sale and you can read it on an iPad. The editing of The Shattered Mirror has begun, though slower I find then other edits. Feedback has been positive so far from our readers.

For the month we have 140 pages of material, 1600 for the year so far, or 480,000 words. Not quite six months.

Here is the first excerpt for Two Peas in a Pod

It was a Close Run Thing

The Duke, he was that now, called and they went off to fight. At least that was the romantic way of thinking of things. “When father said that he would purchase commissions for us, I thought that we would do the normal thing. Parade about Town. Smile for the pretty girls. Chase actresses,” Percival Francis Michael Coldwell, the Earl of Kent said. He was a captain in the third battalion of the Grenadier Guards. It had been a terrible day. Hellacious was the word he was thinking, but if the rumors were true, the little corporal had fled again.

Major Peregrine Maxim Frederick Coldwell, the honourable, second in command of the second battalion of the Guards, looked at his older brother of seventeen minutes. He shook his head. Percy always complained about extra work. He did it, but if he could not complain about it, things were not right.

“And my lord, would you not have been bored beyond belief. I like that. It aliterates very well.” Peregrine scolded his brother. Percival would know it was a scold, since he had been called by a title and they were alone. They were the closest of brothers, not only as they were seventeen minutes apart in age, but in appearance, they looked exactly alike, though Percival had assured Peregrine that he weighed more. Peregrine noted that the way his brother had been eating and drinking, it was probably true.

“Should be much less bored chasing skirts and light o’loves then having some damn Frenchie try and skewer me, thank you very much. How many charges today? Do you really suppose it is true this time? That Bonney is finally defeated?” Percival asked. Peregrine knew his brother was upset by the day’s events. He was also. It was a difficult day, but then any day when their had been fighting had been difficult. Some damn near disastrous. Late last night when they had switched identities, again, had been to help calm the Earl’s nerves.

“I can appreciate a good woman and think that yes, we have finally sent the tyrant away for ever, now. Where is he going to get new men? France is bled dry. Hell even we are knocked up pretty badly. And them damn colonists in america are still fighting.” Peregrine said.

“I really don’t care about the americas. I pretty much care about me, and you a bit, well just so as I don’t have to write some dreadful letter to our sisters.” Percy smiled though to show that he was joking about that. He did care a bit about the Americas for their vast holdings had ownership in land there still, as well as the Caribbean. Percy was rich, and if the war was really over, he could resign his commission, though after today, they would call Captain Kent, for Peregrine was Major Coldwell, a hero. Even though it had been Peregrine who had been at the forefront of Percy’s company all day, repelling three regiments of Chasseurs. Everyone thought it was the Earl, while in the rear of the battalion, coordinating all of Colonel Askews commands and desires, everyone thought that Peregrine had done what was needful to ensure the Grenadiers fought excellently. It of course was not the case as they had changed position, and Percival had done his share and been in danger acting as Peregrine. Just not so foolish as to stand and exhort his men to bravery in front of them all as the enemy neared, or to lead charges and countercharges from the front. Madness is what it had been. But effective.

The Gratitude Log

1) Royal Pains–Several Bravo television shows today and this Screenshot2010-06-15at10.17.56AM.z7NCjHuWgnAa.jpg. This was fun that came out last year and the second season just started.
2) Work of Art–I have been feeling inspired, not just word creative, but wanting to learn to draw.Screenshot2010-06-15at10.17.10AM.glq6MYspEUw1.jpg
3) Top Chef & Top Chef Masters–Screenshot2010-06-15at10.16.26AM.IPq0xZrAnNhl.jpg I started watching during the second season and since have gone back and seen the first as they rerun this. Of course it is reality TV, but it seems far less scripted for drama then others, as the proof really is in the pudding.
4) Snap Art 2–In my Screenshot2010-06-15at10.21.54AM.TX8go7MQThqv.jpgexploration of Screenshot2010-06-15at10.21.10AM.uhq1L09DcODG.jpgdigital paintingScreenshot2010-06-15at10.20.59AM.j4UcQpc7SNSd.jpgI came across this. I first found Alien Skin in the 90’s and fabricated a pointillism picture of me in the regency from them, and even had their first offering. Long since gone. This is nearly $200 and I want it, but I can’t afford it yet.
5) iPad–Now that I got The End of the World PastedGraphic.Tdq3V0MoDQZJ.jpg onto it, I want it even more. Not of course just to check that the epub format for my books is coming out alright.

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