
Posts Tagged ‘Cambridge Apostles’

Regency Personalities Series

In my attempts to provide us with the details of the Regency (I include those who were born before 1811 and who died after 1795), today I continue with one of the many period notables.

Cambridge Apostles
1820 –

The Cambridge Apostles is an intellectual society at the University of Cambridge founded in 1820 by George Tomlinson, a Cambridge student who went on to become the first Bishop of Gibraltar.

The origin of the Apostles’ nickname dates from the number, twelve, of their founders. Membership consists largely of undergraduates, though there have been graduate student members, and members who already hold university and college posts. The society traditionally drew most of its members from Christ’s, St John’s, Jesus, Trinity and King’s Colleges.

The society is essentially a discussion group. Meetings are held once a week, traditionally on Saturday evenings, during which one member gives a prepared talk on a topic, which is later thrown open for discussion.

The usual procedure was for members to meet at the rooms of those whose turn it was to present the topic. The host would provide refreshments consisting of coffee and sardines on toast, called “whales”.

The Apostles retain a leather diary of their membership (“the book”) stretching back to its founder, which includes handwritten notes about the topics on which each member has spoken. It is included in the so-called “Ark”, which is a cedar chest containing collection of papers with some handwritten notes from the group’s early days, about the topics members have spoken on, and the results of the division in which those present voted on the debate. It was a point of honour that the question voted on should bear only a tangential relationship to the matter debated. The members referred to as the “Apostles” are the active, usually undergraduate members; former members are called “angels”. Undergraduates apply to become angels after graduating or being awarded a fellowship. Every few years, amid great secrecy, all the angels are invited to an Apostles’ dinner at a Cambridge college. There used to be an annual dinner, usually held in London.

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